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Strong Visual Effects: Street-Art Style 3D Paintings by Shaka

Posted: 22 Aug 2011 06:45 AM PDT

Marchal Mithouard 2 600x403 Strong Visual Effects: Street Art Style 3D Paintings by Shaka

Marchal Mithouard (aka Shaka) creates stunning 3D paintings that seem to break free from the canvas and interact with their viewers. Some may describe the artist’s work to be a bit disturbing or shocking due to the color explosion inspiring somewhat violent expressions and anxiety. We like the 3D effect of some of the canvases, which is why we decided to feature them on Freshome. We imagine Shaka gets his inspiration from day to day life and it is no wonder that most of his projects featured below envision a symbolic fight for freedom. We are really curious to know what you guys read into these modern canvases. We found out most of the artist’s works are currently part of private collections. Shaka also creates graffiti projects. How about it?- would you like to come past some of these drawings on the street?

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Marchal Mithouard 11 600x448 Strong Visual Effects: Street Art Style 3D Paintings by Shaka

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Modern Japanese Architecture At Its Best: Black Slit House

Posted: 22 Aug 2011 05:35 AM PDT

black residence Freshome061 Modern Japanese Architecture At Its Best: Black Slit House

Fond of black contemporary cribs? The Black Slit House comes from THREE.BALL.CASCADE. and pays tribute to modern Japanese design. This mysterious looking home is located near an industrial area, within a landscape defined by highways and factories, in Okayama City. One might say the overall appearance of this house is not exactly friendly, but rather appealing for the more sober personalities. The total living space for this building is 250 square meters and its structure was envisioned on two levels. Each of the two floors accommodate a large hallway, a living room, kitchen, bathrooms plus terraces around a central garden. This means two families can inhabit this modern Japanese crib, enjoying a large degree of comfort. Have a look at the photos below and tell us if this residence fits your idea of an appealing modern home.

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Thank You : Freshome Surpassed 120,000 Facebook Fans

Posted: 22 Aug 2011 04:10 AM PDT

like facebook button1 Thank You : Freshome Surpassed 120,000 Facebook Fans

Wow, a big THANK YOU! Over the weekend, we surpassed 120,000 Facebook fans. Freshome was born through the intense obsession for interior design & architecture so if you like what we do here please click on the “LIKE” button on our Facebook page to support the vision and dream.  Finally we wanted to show you some cool pictures that we published on our Facebook page ( pictures aren’t published on only on our Facebook page) – Click pictures for bigger version. Keep those comments, photos, and questions coming, we love hearing from you!

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Micro Sea Countries Envisioned by Peter Thiel With the Help of a $1.25 Million Investment

Posted: 22 Aug 2011 03:06 AM PDT

seastanding institute Freshome01 Micro Sea Countries Envisioned by Peter Thiel With the Help of a $1.25 Million Investment

Micro sea-countries based on new government laws with no welfare and no minimum wage? Peter Andreas Thiel is a 43-year-old investor and entrepreneur, probably well known by you guys as the co-funder of PayPal. Moreover, Thiel’s half-million-dollar loan may just be the reason why Facebook is so popular today. Not too long ago, the investor came up with an innovative idea. In collaboration with the Seasteading Institute, Thiel will be investing $1,23 Million (according to Inhabitat) for the developing of revolutionary micro-countries built on oil rig-like platforms, which will be movable, diesel-powered and will each have around 12 000 tons, housing up to 270 people. For the skeptical, Thiel says, “We don’t need to really worry about those people very much, because since they don’t think it’s possible they won’t take us very seriously. And they will not actually try to stop us until it’s too late. One of the things that’s endlessly dazzling and mesmerizing is this question about the future—what the world is going to be like in 20 years, and what can or should we do to make it better than the default track that it’s on“. Full settlement on the first island is predicted in 2019. Astonishment aside, what is your stand on this futuristic idea?

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Small & Mesmerising Cabin-Shaped Home by Heliotrope Architects

Posted: 22 Aug 2011 01:50 AM PDT

1313724030 1312735111 b doebay context Small & Mesmerising Cabin Shaped Home by Heliotrope Architects

CabaƱa Doe Bay is a delightful small crib (just 97 square meters !) designed by Heliotrope Architects on a limited budget and located in Orcas Island, Washington. Here is the story behind the project from the developers: “Our clients have been traveling regularly to Doe Bay Resort on Orcas Island for two decades. Now with two young children they have formalized their affection for the place by purchasing property located a short walk from the resort. We were challenged to design a modest cabin in size and cost (but not in character) that captures the spirit of this place while reflecting the Japanese and Chinese heritage of the owners. Our design solution combines simplicity and economy through the employment of a prefabricated structural panel system ("SIPS") and the simple form of a box. Features of the home include an extremely energy efficient envelope, a garden roof and 19ft high by 22ft wide window-wall with unobstructed views down Rosario Strait“. Is this not the type of design that makes you question having a large home? [Photography Benjamin Benschnieder]

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Creative Billboard Advertising Clean Air Near Vancouver

Posted: 22 Aug 2011 12:35 AM PDT

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Art installations evoking mundane issues have become more and more popular these days. And when a project is as creative as this stunning billboard located at the U.S.-Canada border near Vancouver, there is no wonder people embrace it. According to Fast Co. Design, this original sculpture made of stainless steel rods comes from Seattle art and architecture firm Lead Pencil Studio and was commissioned by the federal government. As far as the concept behind the project goes, here is a statement from Daniel Mihalyo, on behalf of Lead Pencil Studio: “Borrowing the effectiveness of billboards to redirect attention away from the landscape… this permanently open aperture between nations works to frame nothing more than a clear view of the changing atmospheric conditions beyond“. We love seeing creative works (of any kind) on Freshome, which is why this project made quite a unique impression on us. How do you find it? [Photography by Ian Gill]

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