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Creative Five-Level Family Residence in Germany: Just K

Posted: 18 Aug 2011 05:50 AM PDT

Just K Home Freshome01 Creative Five Level Family Residence in Germany: Just K

This uncommon looking contemporary home was designed by German studio Architekten Martenson und Nagel Theissen and is located in Tübingen, Germany. Called “Just K“, the house has an original architecture, a total of five floors and walls covered in rubber. According to the project developers, “the client commissioned the design of a family home that would provide passively heated living space for two adults and four children. Use of energy efficient passive house technology, natural application of materials and prudent use of the resources at hand, make the building sustainable. The question is, what is "good" living space? What defines it and what does one really need? These issues guided us in our approach to the layout of the house, which has been efficiently designed to optimally deliver maximum use of space, functionality and flexibility.maginative overlapping of spatial areas and uses were designed to give the inhabitants a feeling of spaciousness, manifold atmospheres and various realms of possibility—despite minimised living area“. We absolutely love the creativity invested in this project, a delightful crib with such a well defined personality.

Just K Home Freshome02 Creative Five Level Family Residence in Germany: Just K

Just K Home Freshome13 Creative Five Level Family Residence in Germany: Just K

Just K Home Freshome11 Creative Five Level Family Residence in Germany: Just K

Just K Home Freshome12 Creative Five Level Family Residence in Germany: Just K

Just K Home Freshome03 Creative Five Level Family Residence in Germany: Just K

Just K Home Freshome04 Creative Five Level Family Residence in Germany: Just K

Just K Home Freshome05 Creative Five Level Family Residence in Germany: Just K

Just K Home Freshome06 Creative Five Level Family Residence in Germany: Just K

Just K Home Freshome07 Creative Five Level Family Residence in Germany: Just K

Just K Home Freshome08 Creative Five Level Family Residence in Germany: Just K

Just K Home Freshome09 Creative Five Level Family Residence in Germany: Just K

Just K Home Freshome10 Creative Five Level Family Residence in Germany: Just K




Just K Home Freshome15 Creative Five Level Family Residence in Germany: Just K

Just K Home Freshome16 Creative Five Level Family Residence in Germany: Just K

Just K Home Freshome17 Creative Five Level Family Residence in Germany: Just K

Just K Home Freshome19 Creative Five Level Family Residence in Germany: Just K

Just K Home Freshome20 Creative Five Level Family Residence in Germany: Just K

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35 Of The Most Spectacular Contemporary Pools Presented on Freshome [Part One]

Posted: 18 Aug 2011 04:04 AM PDT

07x DSC 9448 35 Of The Most Spectacular Contemporary Pools Presented on Freshome [Part One]

We know you guys are fond of contemporary pools. So we figured we would take advantage of our visual experience with all those amazing homes we showcase on Freshome daily and choose the most spectacular pools we could find in our published posts so far. As you can probably imagine, the selection was not easy. There were many amazing projects to go through and picking just a few was tough. This is why this post is only the first of a series of incredible contemporary homes with a pool. As you can see in the photos below, the designs are various, from simple rectangular pools to complex ones, featuring delightful patio arrangements, fountains and so on. Most of them were built so they would be opened towards extraordinary landscapes, transforming a common swim into an unforgettable experience. We believe you will enjoy each and every photo, so we welcome you to have a look and tell us which one best matches your tastes and why.


11b osprey pavilion terrace e1277457282951 35 Of The Most Spectacular Contemporary Pools Presented on Freshome [Part One]

Adamos Residence 2 35 Of The Most Spectacular Contemporary Pools Presented on Freshome [Part One]

amazing pool 35 Of The Most Spectacular Contemporary Pools Presented on Freshome [Part One]

amazing residenceFreshome 06 35 Of The Most Spectacular Contemporary Pools Presented on Freshome [Part One]

amazing residenceFreshome 08 35 Of The Most Spectacular Contemporary Pools Presented on Freshome [Part One]

Architect Pedro Useches house 261 35 Of The Most Spectacular Contemporary Pools Presented on Freshome [Part One]

blaze makoid architecture east hampton home new york fie 006 35 Of The Most Spectacular Contemporary Pools Presented on Freshome [Part One]

blaze makoid architecture east hampton home new york fie 020 35 Of The Most Spectacular Contemporary Pools Presented on Freshome [Part One]

Bridge House 3 35 Of The Most Spectacular Contemporary Pools Presented on Freshome [Part One]

Brisbane property 35 Of The Most Spectacular Contemporary Pools Presented on Freshome [Part One]

bungalow in india dinesh mills by atelier dnd 141 35 Of The Most Spectacular Contemporary Pools Presented on Freshome [Part One]

Can Siurell Villa 2 35 Of The Most Spectacular Contemporary Pools Presented on Freshome [Part One]

caramel architects 7 35 Of The Most Spectacular Contemporary Pools Presented on Freshome [Part One]

Casa de La Flora Resort 10 35 Of The Most Spectacular Contemporary Pools Presented on Freshome [Part One]

Casa Jondal 5 35 Of The Most Spectacular Contemporary Pools Presented on Freshome [Part One]

Casa Troyana 27 35 Of The Most Spectacular Contemporary Pools Presented on Freshome [Part One]

CC Beach House 00 750x499 35 Of The Most Spectacular Contemporary Pools Presented on Freshome [Part One]

Clipboard032 35 Of The Most Spectacular Contemporary Pools Presented on Freshome [Part One]

contemporary residence Freshome15 35 Of The Most Spectacular Contemporary Pools Presented on Freshome [Part One]

Costa Rica House 05 35 Of The Most Spectacular Contemporary Pools Presented on Freshome [Part One]

Costa Rica House 21 35 Of The Most Spectacular Contemporary Pools Presented on Freshome [Part One]

Dakar Sow House 2 35 Of The Most Spectacular Contemporary Pools Presented on Freshome [Part One]

double bay house 8 35 Of The Most Spectacular Contemporary Pools Presented on Freshome [Part One]

Elrod House 03 2 750x501 35 Of The Most Spectacular Contemporary Pools Presented on Freshome [Part One]

fascinating villa Freshome02 35 Of The Most Spectacular Contemporary Pools Presented on Freshome [Part One]

Jewel of Maui 02 35 Of The Most Spectacular Contemporary Pools Presented on Freshome [Part One]

modern residence Freshome022 35 Of The Most Spectacular Contemporary Pools Presented on Freshome [Part One]

open plan house Freshome05 35 Of The Most Spectacular Contemporary Pools Presented on Freshome [Part One]

portabello estate mansion california cameo shores corona 021 35 Of The Most Spectacular Contemporary Pools Presented on Freshome [Part One]

wonderful pool 35 Of The Most Spectacular Contemporary Pools Presented on Freshome [Part One]

Enclave House 16 35 Of The Most Spectacular Contemporary Pools Presented on Freshome [Part One]

Paraty House 11 35 Of The Most Spectacular Contemporary Pools Presented on Freshome [Part One]

68 Water Street 61 35 Of The Most Spectacular Contemporary Pools Presented on Freshome [Part One]

Birdview Freshome 14 35 Of The Most Spectacular Contemporary Pools Presented on Freshome [Part One]

Ready for more amazing design ideas? Check below !

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How to Save Money in your Kitchen and Bath

Posted: 18 Aug 2011 02:55 AM PDT

Whether your home is a small one room apartment or a large mansion, saving money in your kitchen and bath can mean saving water, electricity, and conserving the Earth's resources. In the average home the kitchen and bathroom account for the majority of water consumption out of the entire home. With knowledge, awareness and attention to our everyday living habits, we can save money in our kitchen and bathroom areas.  Here are tips for how to save money and improve the overall 'health' of our energy bill and wallets!

conserve bathroom How to Save Money in your Kitchen and Bath

  • Share conservation tips with the family: With the recent popularity of green initiatives and awareness about conserving the Earth's resources, it is not difficult to obtain information for your family. From your local city government to worldwide water and energy conservation organizations online, your family should engage in conversations about saving energy in your kitchen and bath. Children learn tips at school, while parents learn through employers and community programs. Have the conversation in your family periodically to learn how your family will make a difference to conserve.
  • Turn off the water: How many times do you catch yourself letting the water run as you brush your teeth in the bathroom? When you're cooking and you fill a pot of water to be boiled, do you let the water run down the drain for it to get hot first? Saving water in your kitchen and bath doesn't have to be difficult. Take shorter showers in your bathroom, and fill the tub with less water. Consider using less pots and pans while cooking, to have less to clean with water when you're finished.

conserve bathtub e1287267734726 How to Save Money in your Kitchen and Bath

  • Install water saving fixtures: Install high efficiency toilets that use less water per flush than conventional toilets.  Install low flow shower heads that reduce the quantity of water flow coming out of your shower. In the kitchen and bath reduce water flow to your sinks by installing faucet aerators.  All of these fixtures will help your home use less water and in turn will save money without your family even trying!
  • Identify leaks: Leaky plumbing fixtures and piping can contribute to water leaks in your kitchen and bathrooms. Consider using dye tabs in toilets to see if water is leaking from your toilet.  Check plumbing lines below your kitchen sink as well as to your dishwasher for possible leaks.

conserve kitchen e1287268138794 How to Save Money in your Kitchen and Bath

  • Save electricity with lighting: Compact fluorescent bulbs are made in varying fixtures, from wall sconce bulbs, lamps, and overhead lights.  Install these bulbs to save more electricity than a typical incandescent bulb. Consider using lamps with lighter lamp shades as opposed to darker ones. The light will reflect better and in turn will allow you to use lower wattage bulbs. In kitchen and bathrooms install dimmer switches, and automatic light sensors to turn on and off automatically.

conserve kitchen lighting How to Save Money in your Kitchen and Bath

  • Kitchen appliances: If your appliances are more than 8 years old consider replacing with newer energy efficient models.  In your refrigerator, stack food so ample air flow can move around food. Too much food in a refrigerator will cause your food to spoil quicker and will cause your refrigerator to run less efficiently. Let hot food cool thoroughly before placing in the refrigerator. This will help your refrigerator keep its temperature more efficiently.

In your home, the kitchen and bathrooms are vital to saving and conserving water and electricity. With these helpful tips you and your family can enjoy the same quality of life, but with less money flowing out of your wallet.  If you're in the market for energy conserving appliances, be mindful of incentives from appliance manufacturer's and government agencies.  The Earth is all of our responsibility and starting in your kitchen and bath can make a huge difference.

Freshome reader's share with us your energy conservation tips for your bathroom and kitchen spaces!

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Futuristic Crib Located Below the Hollywood Sign: Nakahouse by XTEN Architecture

Posted: 18 Aug 2011 01:37 AM PDT

nh01 Futuristic Crib Located Below the Hollywood Sign: Nakahouse by XTEN Architecture

We showcased quite a few mesmerizing architecture works located in the Hollywood Hills, also known as the movie star sanctuary. Nakahouse comes from XTEN Architecture and brings a highly modern touch to this famous neighborhood. The residence is a remodel of a home initially built in the 1960′s. Due to budget and site limitations, the architects kept the foundation and footprints, but added outdoor terraces in order to take advantage of the surrounding views towards the Beechwood Canyon as well as the Griffith Park Observatory. The overall chromatics is based on the contrast between black and white, with extra color additions when it comes to the interior arrangements. Floor to ceiling glass windows maximize views, so that a common walk through the living room becomes a unique moment of relaxation. How do you appreciate the overall design of this project? [Photography by Steve King]

nh12 Futuristic Crib Located Below the Hollywood Sign: Nakahouse by XTEN Architecture

nh02 Futuristic Crib Located Below the Hollywood Sign: Nakahouse by XTEN Architecture

nh03 Futuristic Crib Located Below the Hollywood Sign: Nakahouse by XTEN Architecture

nh04 Futuristic Crib Located Below the Hollywood Sign: Nakahouse by XTEN Architecture

nh05 Futuristic Crib Located Below the Hollywood Sign: Nakahouse by XTEN Architecture

nh06 Futuristic Crib Located Below the Hollywood Sign: Nakahouse by XTEN Architecture

nh07 Futuristic Crib Located Below the Hollywood Sign: Nakahouse by XTEN Architecture

nh09 Futuristic Crib Located Below the Hollywood Sign: Nakahouse by XTEN Architecture

nh10 Futuristic Crib Located Below the Hollywood Sign: Nakahouse by XTEN Architecture

nh11 Futuristic Crib Located Below the Hollywood Sign: Nakahouse by XTEN Architecture

nh08 Futuristic Crib Located Below the Hollywood Sign: Nakahouse by XTEN Architecture

nh13 Futuristic Crib Located Below the Hollywood Sign: Nakahouse by XTEN Architecture

nh18 Futuristic Crib Located Below the Hollywood Sign: Nakahouse by XTEN Architecture

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Dynamic, Exciting and Architecturally Intriguing: Porsche Museum in Stuttgart

Posted: 18 Aug 2011 12:10 AM PDT

Porsche Museum Freshome01 Dynamic, Exciting and Architecturally Intriguing: Porsche Museum in Stuttgart

Hungry for fast wheels and great design? We have a special treat for you today that is sure to boost the spirits of the all of you car enthusiasts out there. The Porsche Museum in Stuttgart was designed by Delugan Meissl Associated Architects, a company with headquarters in Vienna, Austria. The architecture is highly modern, one could say futuristic. The overall impression is that of energy and dynamism, which is exactly what this type of museum should offer. We really enjoyed observing the way the finishing materials create waves, a strong visual effect inspiring speed According to the architects, “the Porsche Museum was conceived as a dynamically formed organism, inviting new ideas on the use of gravity and space to establish a new basis in the foundations of architecture“. We invite you to have a look at the photos (and perhaps visit this museum one day) and give us your opinions regarding its design. Any details that you consider worth emphasizing? [Photography by Brigida Gonzalez]

Porsche Museum Freshome02 Dynamic, Exciting and Architecturally Intriguing: Porsche Museum in Stuttgart

Porsche Museum Freshome03 Dynamic, Exciting and Architecturally Intriguing: Porsche Museum in Stuttgart

Porsche Museum Freshome04 Dynamic, Exciting and Architecturally Intriguing: Porsche Museum in Stuttgart

Porsche Museum Freshome05 Dynamic, Exciting and Architecturally Intriguing: Porsche Museum in Stuttgart

Porsche Museum Freshome06 Dynamic, Exciting and Architecturally Intriguing: Porsche Museum in Stuttgart

Porsche Museum Freshome07 Dynamic, Exciting and Architecturally Intriguing: Porsche Museum in Stuttgart



Porsche Museum Freshome10 Dynamic, Exciting and Architecturally Intriguing: Porsche Museum in Stuttgart

Porsche Museum Freshome11 Dynamic, Exciting and Architecturally Intriguing: Porsche Museum in Stuttgart

Porsche Museum Freshome12 Dynamic, Exciting and Architecturally Intriguing: Porsche Museum in Stuttgart

Porsche Museum Freshome13 Dynamic, Exciting and Architecturally Intriguing: Porsche Museum in Stuttgart

Porsche Museum Freshome14 Dynamic, Exciting and Architecturally Intriguing: Porsche Museum in Stuttgart

Porsche Museum Freshome15 Dynamic, Exciting and Architecturally Intriguing: Porsche Museum in Stuttgart

Porsche Museum Freshome16 Dynamic, Exciting and Architecturally Intriguing: Porsche Museum in Stuttgart

Porsche Museum Freshome17 Dynamic, Exciting and Architecturally Intriguing: Porsche Museum in Stuttgart

Porsche Museum Freshome18 Dynamic, Exciting and Architecturally Intriguing: Porsche Museum in Stuttgart

Porsche Museum Freshome19 Dynamic, Exciting and Architecturally Intriguing: Porsche Museum in Stuttgart

Porsche Museum Freshome20 Dynamic, Exciting and Architecturally Intriguing: Porsche Museum in Stuttgart

Porsche Museum Freshome08 Dynamic, Exciting and Architecturally Intriguing: Porsche Museum in Stuttgart

Porsche Museum Freshome09 Dynamic, Exciting and Architecturally Intriguing: Porsche Museum in Stuttgart

Porsche Museum Freshome21 Dynamic, Exciting and Architecturally Intriguing: Porsche Museum in Stuttgart

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Imposing Contemporary Residence in Mexico City: M-House

Posted: 17 Aug 2011 09:34 AM PDT

M House 01 750x594 Imposing Contemporary Residence in Mexico City: M House

M House was designed by studio Micheas Architectos and is located in Mexico City, Mexico. The residence has a total living area of 3,326 square feet and was designed in a contemporary manner. The exterior is based on an original geometric approach, chromatics being an important factor of the deisgn. This modern home is well individualized through an interesting color contrast, both outdoors and indoors. The main entrance door has an unusual height, making the facade of the home truly unique. A large open plan living room with a lounge area, dining table and kitchen is the core of the residence and the most spectacular part of the house. Glass windows open towards a beautiful terrace, with another special place for dining outdoors. Have a look at the house plans in the last photos of the post for more details on the project’s structure.  [Photography by Víctor Benitez]

M House 02 750x555 Imposing Contemporary Residence in Mexico City: M House

M House 03 1 750x513 Imposing Contemporary Residence in Mexico City: M House

M House 03 2 Imposing Contemporary Residence in Mexico City: M House

M House 04 750x475 Imposing Contemporary Residence in Mexico City: M House

M House 05 Imposing Contemporary Residence in Mexico City: M House

M House 06 Imposing Contemporary Residence in Mexico City: M House

M House 07 750x484 Imposing Contemporary Residence in Mexico City: M House

M House 08 Imposing Contemporary Residence in Mexico City: M House

M House 09 Imposing Contemporary Residence in Mexico City: M House

M House 09 1 750x587 Imposing Contemporary Residence in Mexico City: M House

M House 10 Imposing Contemporary Residence in Mexico City: M House

M House 12 Imposing Contemporary Residence in Mexico City: M House

M House 20 750x991 Imposing Contemporary Residence in Mexico City: M House

M House 21 665x1024 Imposing Contemporary Residence in Mexico City: M House

M House 22 651x1024 Imposing Contemporary Residence in Mexico City: M House

M House 25 750x400 Imposing Contemporary Residence in Mexico City: M House

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Large-Scale Nature Art Installation in Colorado: Natural Systems Domination

Posted: 17 Aug 2011 06:47 AM PDT

green art installation Freshome02 Large Scale Nature Art Installation in Colorado: Natural Systems Domination

Natural Systems Domination is an original art installation invoking nature. The project was developed by design firm Tres Birds and here is an official description: “Domination implies taking over. If we had it our way, natural systems would dominate entirely. Natural systems operate in perfect efficiency. Humans are both part of those natural systems and also somehow separate (by choice). The further we stray from connections with nature, the more alien we become. Tres Birds Workshop was commissioned to concept, design and build an art installation in Downtown Denver for the purpose of encouraging people out of their offices for daily fresh air breaks. We highly recommend it. The installation made up of part vintage office furniture and part 100% live vegetation reminds us not to let office overgrowth affect a healthy relationship with the outdoors. All of the vegetation used in the installation were reused + recycled afterward“. We have to say we were pleasantly surprised to see this art installation integrated in an urban center and are curious to see your reactions.

green art installation Freshome01 Large Scale Nature Art Installation in Colorado: Natural Systems Domination

green art installation Freshome03 Large Scale Nature Art Installation in Colorado: Natural Systems Domination

green art installation Freshome04 Large Scale Nature Art Installation in Colorado: Natural Systems Domination

green art installation Freshome05 Large Scale Nature Art Installation in Colorado: Natural Systems Domination

green art installation Freshome06 Large Scale Nature Art Installation in Colorado: Natural Systems Domination

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green art installation Freshome08 Large Scale Nature Art Installation in Colorado: Natural Systems Domination

green art installation Freshome09 Large Scale Nature Art Installation in Colorado: Natural Systems Domination

green art installation Freshome10 Large Scale Nature Art Installation in Colorado: Natural Systems Domination

green art installation Freshome11 Large Scale Nature Art Installation in Colorado: Natural Systems Domination

green art installation Freshome12 Large Scale Nature Art Installation in Colorado: Natural Systems Domination

green art installation Freshome13 Large Scale Nature Art Installation in Colorado: Natural Systems Domination

green art installation Freshome14 Large Scale Nature Art Installation in Colorado: Natural Systems Domination

green art installation Freshome15 Large Scale Nature Art Installation in Colorado: Natural Systems Domination

green art installation Freshome17 Large Scale Nature Art Installation in Colorado: Natural Systems Domination

green art installation Freshome18 Large Scale Nature Art Installation in Colorado: Natural Systems Domination

green art installation Freshome19 Large Scale Nature Art Installation in Colorado: Natural Systems Domination

green art installation Freshome20 Large Scale Nature Art Installation in Colorado: Natural Systems Domination

green art installation Freshome21 Large Scale Nature Art Installation in Colorado: Natural Systems Domination

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