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How to Prepare your Home for Festive Entertaining

Posted: 16 Oct 2010 03:23 AM PDT

We all love to entertain friends and family but often think the planning and time to dedicate to the process takes a lot of work.  If you were able to use simple tips for getting your home ready and thinking through the entertaining logistics before hand, the task wouldn't seem so daunting.  Remember, you can make your event as large or small as you want.  Start with your comfortability level and work up at later events. Here are helpful tips to help you plan and prepare your home for the perfect party!

entertaining kitchen e1286984339882 How to Prepare your Home for Festive Entertaining

  • Assess your home: Before you send out invitations, take an assessment of your home and how large or intimate you wish the gathering to be. If it's going to be large, look at what rooms you plan to use, and if outdoor areas will be utilized as well.  For smaller gatherings, space may not be a concern, but still determine where people will eat, mingle, and gather for socializing throughout your event.

entertaining seating e1286984078979 How to Prepare your Home for Festive Entertaining

  • Determine how much seating you need: When you entertain, the quantity of chairs is usually the only thought considered. Also think about the type of seating needed for the activity.  Lounge chairs may be comfortable for finger food, but not when eating dinner.  At the same time, upright dining chairs are appropriate for a seated dinner amongst friends, but may be too formal for an evening party on a rooftop terrace with neighboring families.
  • Decorate for the occasion: Depending on your event, decorating can be as simple as a beautiful centerpiece, to an elaborate entrance with exterior lighting welcoming guests into your home. If you don't know where to start, look through entertaining magazines or look online for inspiration theme parties.  If you don't want the hassle, consider hiring an event planner to help you decide or to plan and arrange the décor themselves.

entertaining table decor e1286984146902 How to Prepare your Home for Festive Entertaining

  • Preparing food: Planning your food menu should be done in advance, as so should your delivery of the meal.  Often times we put more effort into what will be served, than who will serve it and when.  If you are having a large crowd of guests, consider a buffet style delivery method of the food. This allows the host time to put food out, and still be ready for arriving guests. If you would prefer a plated meal and guests will be served individually – take this into consideration in your energy level of being the host! Catering is also a great option if you want to be free to mingle with guests and enjoy the evening.
  • Create beautiful ambiance: All the senses are involved in the feeling of great ambiance at a party. Great entertaining is about making your guests feel welcomed at your home. Think about music, floral centerpiece arrangements, and comfort items. If you're entertaining in the evenings outdoors remember it can be cool so consider using outdoor fireplaces, portable heaters, and throw blankets on lounge chairs, these will be welcomed by your guests.

entertaining evening dining e1286983997999 How to Prepare your Home for Festive Entertaining

  • Send your guests home with a memory: Everyone loves gifts! Consider making parting gifts or "swag bags" for your guests.  Elaborate gifts can be from jewelry to gift certificates to spas and golf outings. For less elaborate gifts consider enclosing personalized note cards thanking your guests and/or having a drawing or raffle at the end of the night for a gift. This extra touch will send your guests home with a piece of your thoughtful hospitality.

Throwing a party and entertaining at your home can be exciting and it's a wonderful way to bring together those you cherish spending time with.  With thoughtful planning throughout your home, the stress will be lifted and you will enjoy your guests as much as they enjoy your party! Freshome reader's do you entertain at your home? How do you plan out your space in your home? Suggestions are always welcomed.

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Historic Farmhouse Restauration in England: Harmony of Old and New

Posted: 16 Oct 2010 01:01 AM PDT

This beautiful home is located in Park Farm, Worcestershire and belongs to the Elizabethan. You are looking at the delightful results of a restoration process that took place after carefully exploring the history of the building. The “new residence” is a mix of old elements ( for example oak beams that are 1000 years old) with modern additions. Here is more information from the official page: “The colour palette of the decoration is simple and traditional being painted in buttermilk limewash on traditional lime-plastered walls. Furnishing is a mix of traditional and contemporary design, many of the pieces have been carefully sourced from individual makers and (I hope) will defy changing fashion. Lighting is simple halogen down-lighters with some notable exceptions – in particular the 1.5m contemporary wire chandelier in the kitchen. The result is a bright and streamlined house that adapts well to the requirements of a growing family.” Lovely, wouldn’t you say?

Historic Farmhouse Restauration in England: Harmony of Old and New

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amazing home

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10 Home Staging Tricks that Take Minutes a Day

Posted: 15 Oct 2010 10:27 AM PDT

One of the biggest complaints when you are trying to sell your home is how much time it takes to prepare the home for showings.  When a Realtor shows your home it should be shown in its best light possible.  What if you could use home staging tricks that will save time and get you out of your home faster in the morning? Home staging is about making your home appeal to buyers. Follow these 10 staging tricks that will only take minutes a day and will help your home appeal to buyers, inside and out.

staging quick exterior2 e1286831115158 10 Home Staging Tricks that Take Minutes a Day

1.) Purge and declutter: Before you place your home on the market, purge and declutter excess belongings, furniture to free up space in all rooms. A clean and clear house is an appealing house.  Once you do this time consuming task, all the other steps will fall into place.

2.) Wash dishes the night before: This may sound crazy, but if you wash your dishes and clean the kitchen the night before, in the morning time you will have little to do.  Wipe down all countertop and appliance surfaces before leaving the house. Save the big pancake breakfasts for the weekends!

3.) Hire a cleaning service: If you are always on the go, have a busy family and don't have time to clean thoroughly, hire a professional cleaning service. Cleaning services appeal to all budgets and will save you time on a daily basis.

staging quick kitchen 10 Home Staging Tricks that Take Minutes a Day

4.) Check pet areas regularly: If you have pets, ensure there area is clean and free of pet odors.  Keep cat litter clean and pet beds free of debris and odor. Pet owners need to have disinfectant wipes and odor neutralizing sprays on hand at all times. Check area before leaving in the morning, and sweep area of pet fur daily.

5.) Make your bed every day: When your home isn't on the market, your children may be able to slip by a day or two without making their bed. When your home is on the market it is essential for it to be made well every day.  This ensures your bedroom will look neat, tidy and appealing to a home buyer.

6.) Take a shower at night: If you can save time not having to clean the bathroom in the morning it will help you.  If you do use the shower in the morning, assure mirrors and all surfaces are wiped down.  Put all toiletry articles under the sink or in a closet. Buyers don't want to see what deodorant and toothpaste you used!

staging quick bathroom 10 Home Staging Tricks that Take Minutes a Day

7.) Pick up toys and belongings: Home buyers want to be able to walk through your home and envision their belongings in the space.  Ensure that all toys and miscellaneous belongings of your family are put away. Use baskets and toy bins for children to stash away their toys quickly and neatly.

8.) Open all window treatments daily: Present the best possible light into your home by letting in natural light. If your showing is at night, turn on all lights throughout the home.  Your home will show better if the home buyer doesn't have to turn on every light in your home.  Think of walking through a model home – same appeal is what you're trying to achieve.

9.) Clean off your refrigerator: Your refrigerator and stove are two appliances home buyers like to look at when they enter your kitchen.  Clear all paper, and magnets from the front and sides of your refrigerator. Wipe down your stove and free up all food stains.

10.) Walk around your home daily: It is common for leaves, and debris to blow up onto your front entry or porch. Before you leave in the morning, and come home at night, walk the perimeter of your home to ensure it looks welcoming and inviting. Curb appeal makes a first impression of your home.

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Who says your home has to be hard to stage? With some advanced planning, purging and last minute clean ups, home staging can be made easier than you thought.  If you are still feeling overwhelmed, seek the advice of professional home stager. They can help you get your home to its optimal best, and then you and your family can maintain the look. Freshome reader's have you sold your home with the help of home staging tricks? Share with us which ones have worked for you!

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Fascinating Architectural Projection Mapping in Wolfsburg, Germany

Posted: 15 Oct 2010 09:23 AM PDT

Fascinating Architectural Projection Mapping in Wolfsburg, Germany
Not long ago, we featured an incredible 3D light show on Freshome which was presented in Ukraine, celebrating the city of Kharkov and the country’s Independence Day. Since you guys enjoyed the show, here is another fascinating architectural projection, this time in Autostadt, Wolfsburg. If you are not yet familiar with the concept of architectural projection mapping, know that this has to do with projecting images on buildings (to explain things in their simplest form). We find this idea and these manifestations absolutely delightful and we think that in the case of public celebrations, they have a wonderful effect. We are certain that this revolutionary concept will be taken further and that we will hear a lot more about architectural projection mapping in the future. Have fun watching the video!

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10 Ways to Escape Life by Bringing Blue into your Home

Posted: 15 Oct 2010 08:16 AM PDT

For anyone who has escaped to the tropics for rest and relaxation knows the calming effect of blue water.  Blue is the color of the expansive sky above and the gorgeous oceans below, and bringing the color into your home is therapeutic and relaxing.  From the brightest of turquoise to the deepest cobalt blue, it makes your home feel like an oasis, and here are 10 ways to bring it into your home.

blue decor kitchen e1286991599176 10 Ways to Escape Life by Bringing Blue into your Home1.) Blue in the bathroom is relaxing: Water is associated with movement and the flow of energy in feng shui practices.  When you surround your bathroom in pale blues and subtle neutrals your body feels one with nature. If you have high ceilings in your bathroom, painting them a pale blue will resemble the sky when you relax in your soaking bathtub.

blue decor bathroom pale e1286992044883 10 Ways to Escape Life by Bringing Blue into your Home2.) Hints of blue makes a statement: In an all white room, hints of blue window treatments, area rugs and throw pillows will give a serene room feeling of fresh air.  Blue and white reminds us of the sky and clouds which equate to serenity and carefree thoughts.

3.) Take exterior color cues from Greece: Gorgeous blues that resemble the water in Greece lives in their exterior building colors.  Houses with blue doors, trellises and roofs are beautiful amongst the white exteriors of Grecian homes. If you live in a tropical climate, bring blue cues to your home in window, door and garden accents.

blue decor greece e1286991857548 10 Ways to Escape Life by Bringing Blue into your Home4.) Kitchens love blue: If you want a bold statement in your kitchen, consider using blue for your cabinetry and flooring. Paired with white, black and browns a kitchen can be the star attraction of the home. For a subtle kitchen use blue mosaic tiles in a backsplash or opt for blue accent tiles in ceramic flooring.

5.) Open shelving displays: If you're looking for a beautiful way to display vintage blue and white dishes consider open shelving.  Passed down from generations blue and white dinnerware can be displayed with pops of yellow dinnerware to compliment the beautiful blue hues. Instead of keeping it locked up in a china closet; display it proudly on open white or bright yellow shelves.

6.) Small spaces love turquoise: For small rooms in your home, use bright turquoise to bring in more natural light and to make the room feel happier. Turquoise can be muted or it can bright.  Whichever is your style – pair turquoise with neutral blacks, whites or even pinks for a visual surprise in your space.

blue decor kitchen turquoise e1286991658434 10 Ways to Escape Life by Bringing Blue into your Home7.) Blue is playful in kid's rooms: Blue isn't only for boy's rooms.  Primary blue is used in daycare centers to evoke imagination and creativity. Use pale blue paired with pinks and greens in a girl's room. Robin Egg's blue is beautiful in a playroom or nursery where a subtle color palette is preferred.

8.) Laundry rooms feel clean with blue: If you're looking for a cheery color for your laundry room, blue is psychologically uplifting in a space you don't love to be in! Blue is perfect for laundry rooms to instill cleanliness feeling while you fold and iron clothes.

9.) Do you like sleeping in the clouds?: Blue is a popular color in bedrooms for serenity and feeling one with the sky and universe. Try adding a blue accent wall to your bedroom paired with lighter tones of blue to give layers of comfort and pleasant vibrations in your bedroom retreat.

blue decor bedroom e1286991774206 10 Ways to Escape Life by Bringing Blue into your Home10.) Blue is the staple for décor styles: From nautical blues of the sea to cottage style blues of the beach. Navy blue and cornflower blue can bring a decorative style to life in your home. For specific design elements from a decorative style, look to magazines and architectural publications for good examples for your home.

Any room will feel calmed and soothed with the color blue. Add blue to any room where you need serenity or need a shot of cheerful bliss.  If you use darker blues, limit these colors to one or two walls, and use a lighter wainscoting color on the bottom portion of the wall.  For pale blues they can be used on all walls and can also be paired in the fabrics and window treatments of the space. Wherever you use blue, you'll always feel a sense of tranquility and wholeness.

Freshome reader's do you use the color blue in any of your interiors? Tell us if you use it as an accent color, or saturate the room in it? Both ways is a welcome addition to your home, isn't it?

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