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Interview: “Blurring the Line Between Objects and Emotion” with lorbus

Posted: 06 Oct 2010 04:44 AM PDT

Lorenzo Bustillos Galavis aka lorbus is a young designer from Venezuela, established in Milan in 1998. His portfolio is quite interesting and so are his collaborations throughout the years. This interview is fun and fresh, easy to read and captivating. We found out that lorbus is interested in “design that’s art, and art that is useful”, while creating pieces that can “affect you like a good song or book”. Enjoy reading his answers while checking out some of his creative works:

  • Freshome: What determined your passion for design? Tell us about the moment when you decided this is the way to go.
  • lorbus: My grandfather owned a hardware store and I remember getting a small wooden tool chest on my 5th birthday.  I started making stuff right away and I became a compulsive disassembler.  Every toy I ever got, I took apart and tried to learn how it worked. I’m interested as much in the smooth external skin as I’m on the guts.

snap by lorbus Interview: Blurring the Line Between Objects and Emotion with lorbusSNAP Table/ Wall Clock

  • Freshome: Can you remember your first design project? Describe it a bit, whether it is a gizmo you worked at as a little kid or something that was sold at a large scale.
  • lorbus: The first time I  thought of design was when my high school organized a competition to design a logo that would be printed on t-shirts sponsoring our graduation party. I won, and they printed about 2000 shirts with something I’d designed.  Looking at people wearing my stuff was so cool. I realized mass production stroked my ego.
  • Freshome: What field of design are you most interested in? Do your works have anything to do with it ? (We are asking this because not many designers do what they actually want)
  • lorbus: I’m interested in design that’s art, and art that is useful. These past few months I’ve been working on a project that tries to blur the line between objects and emotion. I want to make pieces that affect you like a good song or book can. I’m not there yet, but I’m getting closer.

contact by lorbus Interview: Blurring the Line Between Objects and Emotion with lorbusCONTACT collection

  • Freshome: Chronologically describe what you are going through (feeling and thoughts) on your way to work.
  • lorbus: I work at home, so my way to work usually involves walking from my kitchen to my desk with a good cup of coffee or tea. In those 10 seconds I think: Be original, but be aware of history. Don’t take it too seriously.
  • Freshome: What is your favourite book/magazine on design? How about your favourite site?
  • lorbus: I love Edward Tufte’s books. They are crisp, well thought, and future generations will probably read them unlike last month’s Wallpaper. I admire people who swim to the depths of a theme. I rarely read design related material,  however I’m a voracious reader of books. I enjoy biographies and American postmodernism (who knew! I’m a Venezuelan who lives in Italy.)  My favorite book is Infinite Jest by David Foster Wallace. If I had to chose one site, I’d chose Metafilter. I fucking love the Internet.

regolofull Interview: Blurring the Line Between Objects and Emotion with lorbusREGOLO wall mirror

  • Freshome: What inspires you?
  • lorbus: When someone tells me they like something I did.
  • Freshome: What is the most frustrating aspect of your job as a designer? And the most rewarding one?
  • lorbus: Frustrating: Getting paid.  Some people think that their 16 year old niece with a pirated version of Photoshop can do what I do. Turns out, she can’t. You need experience, not software. Rewarding: When friends have something I made in their home.

layers by lorbus Interview: Blurring the Line Between Objects and Emotion with lorbusLAYERS clock

  • Freshome: From your point of view, is design an art or a science?
  • lorbus: Design is the art of compromise and the science of choosing.
  • Freshome: Tell us something unusual that happened in your career.
  • lorbus: Walking into a fair and finding a company I used to collaborate with showing chairs I designed. They were selling them without my knowledge and I wasn’t getting any royalties. What a bunch of losers.

balance by lorbus Interview: Blurring the Line Between Objects and Emotion with lorbus

  • Freshome: Let’s say you entered a contest. You have to come up with a design for the first house on the Moon built for extra-terrestrial living. How would your project look like?
  • lorbus: What’s the budget? I’d first have to visit the moon in person. ;-)
  • Freshome: If design were a product, what would it be and how would you design it?
  • lorbus: (read in a telemarketing voice):

Water! © A product with 1000′s of uses!

It fills valleys and submerges  peaks,
It quenches  thirst, and washes dirt,

It’s water!

The fabulous invention that
makes ice and makes garden grow..!

Call 1-800 W-A-T-E-R
Plankton not included!

pendolo by lorbus Interview: Blurring the Line Between Objects and Emotion with lorbusPENDOLO magazine hanger

  • Freshome: If you had no limits (money, resources), what would you create?
  • lorbus: A shop that mutates. Every month what’s being sold changes. For example: on January they sell plants, in February clocks, March stools. Etc… You learn to trust the store, because it always offers quality and value, but you have no clue what’s inside until you go in.
  • Freshome: Share something you would like the world to know about you or your ideas.
  • lorbus: About me: If I were not a designer, I’d be a chef. Ideas: I have a whole section of my website dedicated to this: Minifestos  (this is the link: )

projects by juanco lorbus Interview: Blurring the Line Between Objects and Emotion with lorbusUOMINO Clocks and IPALI coathanger

  • Freshome: What do you think of our site?
  • lorbus: Cool content, but it’s time for a redesign.
  • Freshome: What advice do you have for young designers or architects reading this interview?
  • lorbus: Gather inspiration from fields outside your own. Stay away from the computer until you know what you want to do. Good wine doesn’t have to be expensive.

Ready for more amazing design ideas? Check below !

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25 Most Creative and Original Mirror Designs

Posted: 06 Oct 2010 02:47 AM PDT

In the design industry, the simple “mirror, mirror on the wall” suffered some serious upgrades. Who knew this seemingly common decorating item would in time become so popular and take so many shapes? From the map of Italy to creative promotional mirrors, here are 25 of the most unusual mirrors ever designed:

mirror designs 25 Most Creative and Original Mirror Designs

Due to the fact that Cape Town is known for its drinking and driving habits, a taxi company called Rikkis launched a very creative campaign in order to convince people to take a cab a and get home safely. This Police Mug Shot Mirror from agency DraftFCB Cape Town ranked high in both creativity and awareness. And as an extra bonus, it made our list of uncommon mirrors.

mirror07 25 Most Creative and Original Mirror Designs

Designed by Phil Sims, the Razorblade Mirror might not have such sharp edges as the actual razor blade but it sure looks similar. Even though it has a highly original shape and it can fit great in any bathroom or hallway, we think a “full” mirror would be a little more practical. But taking its creativity in consideration, we are certain that most mirror fans would make this “compromise”.

razorblade mirror 25 Most Creative and Original Mirror Designs

Did you ever wonder what is the height of famous people like Brad Pitt, Beyonce Knowles, Clive Owen, Clark Gable, Marilyn Monroe, and Abraham Lincoln? Well this uncommon Who Tall You Are Mirror lets you know what your hight is and in the same time compares it with the one of other celebrities. The mirror features 120 names which are written in a way that does not affect the viewer’s reflection, so it is still functional.

mirror unusual 25 Most Creative and Original Mirror Designs

Vous Mirror has a unique shape and is the type of mirror with an attitude. Each time its user looks at it, it seems to talk back and say “Everything is Ok ‘. What better way to start your day than having “someone” complement you on your looks?-via Elves at Work

you look great mirror 25 Most Creative and Original Mirror Designs

Here is an interesting looking mirror for those mornings when you feel a little “eco”. From H2o Architects, the Glass Mirror features integrated vegetation pots which together with the reflecting surface of the mirror create an intriguing and fresh design.-via DigsDigs

Modern Green Wall Decoration Grass Mirror by H2o Architects 1 25 Most Creative and Original Mirror Designs

This ironing board designed by Aissa Logerot also works as a full-length mirror."This object is a link between two consecutive actions: iron clothes and dress up," explains the designer Aïssa Logerot, a graduate of ENSCI les Ateliers. The Ironing Board Mirror is a space saving device, as one side is an ironing board and the other a functional mirror.

iron board mirror 25 Most Creative and Original Mirror Designs
Designed by Iris Design Studio, the Perito Moreno Vanity Circle was inspired by a south American glacier that has the same name. The round wall mirror features 12 illuminated half-bulbs and looks more like a clock than a mirror. Either way, we think it has a very interesting design which is why we decided to include it on our list. -via DigsDigs

Round Wall Mirror With Original Lighting Perito Moreno Vanity Circle by Iris Design Studio 554x830 25 Most Creative and Original Mirror Designs

We have to say this has to be our favourite mirror design of this selection. The Narcissist’s Mirror below features the following text: "Oh how beautiful you are! You're charming. You look gorgeous! It's fantastic. You are infinitely attractive! I think that you are fabulous, just fabulous! You are absolutely delectable. Your hair is really stunning, it sparkles with life! I love the way that you do your hair, that silken head of curls and waves is glorious." This funny and creative text makes the user of this mirror completely ignore his reflection and start his day joyfully and confident.

mirrors 12 25 Most Creative and Original Mirror Designs

Here is a practical idea from MicroWorks (Japan). This modern Jump Out Mirror consists of a small hand mirror which can be perfectly integrated within a larger reflecting item, forming a single product. Due to the magnetic attachments, the user doesn’t have to worry that the small mirror   -via DesignSpotter

mirror 25 Most Creative and Original Mirror Designs

The Skateboard Mirror is a clever and sportish element that can be placed either in the teens' room or in a bathroom. It features a skateboard with exterior wheels, in life-size, perfect for a good reflexion. We also like the way it comes on the wall, it almost looks like a trophy, especially for the "hard-rock" skaters. You can pre-order this item at Purves, for the sum of $224.

skateboardi01 tQxFI 1822 25 Functional Furniture Designs Inspired by Skateboards

Even though it is said that this mirror looks like one made from broken pieces, we think it looks more like a photo made of lightning. Either way, this "Broken Mirror" with unusual light patterns comes great and adds a dramatic feel and extra personality to a room.- via Elves at Work

broken mirror shape 25 Most Creative and Original Mirror Designs

This Touch Screen Mirror from Stocco takes the whole “mirror” notion to a new, technological level. This item can transform any dull bathroom in a fun and creative one that could always keep its users entertained. The mirror has a touch screen which can offer easy operation of radio, date and barometer. It also comes with an integrated mp3 player, for those who want to sing in the shower, but forget the lyrics from time to time.

touch screen mp3 mirror 25 Most Creative and Original Mirror Designs

Since we ventured in the field of technology, here is another interesting mirror designed by Alpay Kasal. The Interactive Mirror goes great in any interior and perhaps even in public spaces. As its name suggests, the mirror is able to interact with its user, who can play games on it, draw and of course take care of his or her look. Check out the movie and see what it can do.-via Oddee

interactive mirror 25 Most Creative and Original Mirror Designs

There is probably no higher thrill than waking up in the morning, going towards the mirror and see a skull. Okay, a little sick imagination there- but you have to admit that so is the designer’s of this Skull Mirror. Said to be created especially for Halloween, this unusual item can be found online here, for the sum of £3.95.

skull mirror 25 Most Creative and Original Mirror Designs

I’m sure you all remember the game of Tetris, the one where small shapes had to be placed together in order to form a compact block. This Tetris Mirror is for the true fans of this captivating game. The uncommon mirror comes with thirteen panels which can be arranged by the user in any way he wants. If you are superstitious you should be very careful not to drop any of them on the floor.

tetris mirror 25 Most Creative and Original Mirror Designs

This Pirate Mirror is not as spooky as it is… cute. This design is just one of the Self-Portrait mirrors by Jeannie Choe and Steven Tomlinson. With their unusual look and happy tone, these mirrors are sure to brighten up a room and add a little fun and personality. You can purchase them online here.

pirate 25 Most Creative and Original Mirror Designs

This kind of mirror is ideal for kids to watch themselves grow and adults who never stop hoping. It was designed by JuanCo and is produced and sold by BanalExtra. We think it has a very original design that could go great in a room with a less serious feel.

mirror08 25 Most Creative and Original Mirror Designs

In case you are thinking of visiting the capital of UK, here is a strange, but very original idea. The London Underground Mirror allows its user to plan a journey around London while in the same time getting ready for it. No need to get to the subway and fight crowds in order to see the map- it’s all there on the bathroom mirror. A little out there? We definitely think so.

mirror03 25 Most Creative and Original Mirror Designs

Designed by Colin O'Dowd, this mirror is as big as a Polaroid and as cute as one also. Perfect for carrying around, the Polaroid Mirror is fun, functional and highly original. -via Toxel

polaroid mirror 25 Most Creative and Original Mirror Designs

The Fiction Mirror looks more like a optical illusion than the typical reflecting decorating item. From Glas Italia, this unusual mirror gradually fades away on the wall, creating a really interesting effect. The product was designed by Jean-Marie Massaud and fits great in a bathroom with an uncommon feel.

052 GlasItalia Fiction 02 L 25 Most Creative and Original Mirror Designs

Vertana Mirror was designed by Hida Sangyo and comes in a funny reindeer shape. At the same time, it is highly functional and serves both as a mirror and a clothes hanger. Sure, as it gets covered, its unique design will slowly be hidden, but either way, this is an original piece of furniture to have around. In case you are interested, the Vertana Mirror is available for purchasing here.

vertana mirror 25 Most Creative and Original Mirror Designs

Each and everyone of us has a favorite country, even if for most of the people out there this happens to be their home land. The Belvedere Italy Mirror by James Irvine is a  42″ x 35″ x 0.5″ map of Italy that could act as an impulse for its owner to go visit this beautiful country. We don’t know about you guys, but we found this design simple and intriguing. Price: $592- from here.

map of italy mirror 25 Most Creative and Original Mirror Designs

In case you are looking for an easy alternative to a hard-to-maneuver mirror, this fun reflecting wall sticker is a good choice. In the photo below you have a bunch of funny cats, but you can check out a lot more similar designs here and also order your favorite online.

wall mirror deisgns stickers 25 Most Creative and Original Mirror Designs

If you happen to be a fan of comfortable chairs up to the point where it would be enough to just look at one and feel all warm and fuzzy inside, here is an original mirror design to suit this unusual need. Big Mirror is designed by Paola Navone for Casamilano and it is basically a giant reflecting armchair. We like the originality of this design, which is why we decided to include it in our list.

cool wall mirror for living room 2 25 Most Creative and Original Mirror Designs

This crazy looking mirror comes from Room Service and has a fun and crazy design. We think it would look great in an unconventional interior surrounded by other similar decorating items. Being given that it looks a little like a sea creature, small items like sea shells or sea stars are recommended.

sea creature mirror 25 Most Creative and Original Mirror Designs

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Riverfront Home for Artists : The Incredible Wingpoint Residence

Posted: 06 Oct 2010 01:22 AM PDT

Bainbridge Island is home to this beautiful modern structure that COOP 15 architecture has built on an old foundation of 3100 square feet plus annexes. The Wingpoint Residence is just a few feet away from the beach so that the artists living here can be inspired by the relaxing surrounding water. The organized living spaces are stacked on two levels and also house an art studio beloved by the inhabitants of this contemporary home. The studio overwhelms the artist by offering a beautiful view through the large triple-glazed windows. As any modern home, this construction has been made from sustainable materials. The outside is a combination of concrete and cladding adorned with big windows that offer the river a chance to enchant and inspire.

Wingpoint home 16 Riverfront Home for Artists : The Incredible Wingpoint Residence

Wingpoint home 17 Riverfront Home for Artists : The Incredible Wingpoint ResidenceWingpoint home Riverfront Home for Artists : The Incredible Wingpoint ResidenceWingpoint home 2 Riverfront Home for Artists : The Incredible Wingpoint ResidenceWingpoint home 15 Riverfront Home for Artists : The Incredible Wingpoint ResidenceWingpoint home 14 Riverfront Home for Artists : The Incredible Wingpoint ResidenceWingpoint home 13 Riverfront Home for Artists : The Incredible Wingpoint Residence

On the inside, the architects played with comfort by installing heated concrete floors and counters made from concrete and recycled glass. The living area on the first floor is home to an impressive bookcase and continues into an opened kitchen with a place for  dining  that leaves you to be a pray to the riverfront picture. The stairs leading up to the second floor are reclaimed wooden stairs with a modern yet vintage feeling. Beautiful dark coated railings contrast with the natural wood colour of the stairs. Art is present all throughout the house: the guitars in the lobby and the paintings on the wall build up to the fulfilment that culminates in the artist's studio. The perfectly mowed lawn leads to the waterfront and completes the exceptional presence of this home.

Wingpoint home 12 Riverfront Home for Artists : The Incredible Wingpoint ResidenceWingpoint home 11 Riverfront Home for Artists : The Incredible Wingpoint ResidenceWingpoint home 10 Riverfront Home for Artists : The Incredible Wingpoint ResidenceWingpoint home 9 Riverfront Home for Artists : The Incredible Wingpoint ResidenceWingpoint home 8 Riverfront Home for Artists : The Incredible Wingpoint ResidenceWingpoint home 7 Riverfront Home for Artists : The Incredible Wingpoint ResidenceWingpoint home 6 Riverfront Home for Artists : The Incredible Wingpoint ResidenceWingpoint home 5 Riverfront Home for Artists : The Incredible Wingpoint ResidenceWingpoint home 4 Riverfront Home for Artists : The Incredible Wingpoint ResidenceWingpoint home 3 Riverfront Home for Artists : The Incredible Wingpoint Residence

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How to Beautifully Maximize the Extra Space in Your Attic

Posted: 05 Oct 2010 11:59 PM PDT

In most homes we all are trying to find one more space in your home to store belongings. In your home, you may have an office that is adjacent to the noisy family room or you might be looking to add on to your home to have a dedicated room for your scrap booking.  If you have a home that has an attic, you may have just solved your problem! Whether your attic is finished or not, consider these tips to maximize the space you have. From recreation to a cozy retreat, look at these tips for making your attic your new home renovation.

attic woman How to Beautifully Maximize the Extra Space in Your Attic

1.) Determine if your attic can be used as a room: If your attic is already finished off with drywall then you are already half way there! While, if you have an unfinished space – meaning the studs are still showing and electric and other services may not be installed yet, continue reading.  Before you decide to finish off the space, these considerations need to be made.  How will you heat or cool the space and do additional ducts need to run into the attic? Examine if there are any leaks, or moisture has come from the roof.  If so, have all repairs made before you apply drywall and insulation.

attic unfinished e1285671519860 How to Beautifully Maximize the Extra Space in Your Attic

2.) Determine how you will access it: Many attics have the luxury of having a full set of stairs leading up to the space and are often termed 'lofts'. In this situation you are fortunate to be able to furnish with full sized furniture.  If you have to access the attic with a ladder, spiral stair, or modified shorter tread stairs you may have to bring self assembly furniture into the attic in pieces.  Depending on how you access your attic, keep this in mind when having small children access the space.

3.) All the options are yours: If you can dream it, you can make your attic into it.  For large attic spaces consider using it for a recreational room with pool table, seating and other recreational games. If you can place a bathroom adjoining the attic space this can be termed a "bonus room" that can be used as a bedroom/home office/ or play area for children. If you need an extra work room for crafts, scrapbooking, or tranquility and peace an attic is a perfect space to relax.

attic bedroom e1285671796404 How to Beautifully Maximize the Extra Space in Your Attic

4.) Adding light: What can make or break your attic space is how much light can be supplied to it.  If you have dormer windows, skylights, or operable windows these are ideal for letting in natural light on a daily basis. Depending on the height of the ceiling, windows may or may not be convenient in your attic. Consider solar tubes installed from the roof into the attic space to 'bounce' and reflect light into your attic space if windows are a challenge. In the evening hours, make sure lighting is either hardwired into multiple corners of the attic space and/or have ample electrical outlets supplied throughout for lamps and artificial light sources. Around the stairs or ladder make sure there is sufficient lighting for maneuvering.

attic light e1285670557707 How to Beautifully Maximize the Extra Space in Your Attic

If you haven't thought about using your attic to add usable space to your home, revisit the idea. If you're selling your home, once finished off, this space can be added to the overall square footage of your home! Extra space always adds buyer appeal and value.  If you're going to stay in your home the options are limitless, and once completed will suddenly be the most used space in the house.  Remember to consider energy costs when considering an attic, as additional square footage also means additional energy costs.  You and your family can beautifully maximize your extra attic space with these helpful tips and ideas.

Freshome reader's do you have an attic space in which you have converted into a usable room? Tell us how you take advantage of your extra space.

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Stone Creek Camp, Amazing Natural Homes and Breathtaking Landscapes

Posted: 05 Oct 2010 09:29 AM PDT

Stone Creek Camp was designed by Andersson Wise Architects and is located in Duval County, Texas, USA. The project consists of homes especially created for their owners’ retreat. Taking advantage of the landscape’s natural features, such as the sun light, the wind and the rocks, the architects managed to create true dream cribs housing the best that nature has to offer. Here is more information: “We considered the gentle sloping terrain, natural air-conditioning offered by prevailing breezes, and the ever-present sun. Our observations transformed into an idea of structures with deep open porches that appear to be carved out of the exterior brick volumes, revealing transparent walls that slide open to the rooms inside. The buildings are organized around an open courtyard with a large swimming pool and spa, oriented to take advantage of the prevailing breezes during the hot Texas summers.” Even though you are looking at “country homes”, the interiors of these building have an impeccable design which mixes rustic elements with modern ones. The results however are in tune with the overall harmony of the landscape.-via Arch Daily

Stone Creek Camp, Amazing Natural Homes and Breathtaking Landscapes

stone creek camp

Natural Homes and Breathtaking Landscapes1285701987 11stonecreekcamp master house entrance 666x1000 Stone Creek Camp, Amazing Natural Homes and Breathtaking Landscapes1285701889 09stonecreekcamp master house wood detail Stone Creek Camp, Amazing Natural Homes and Breathtaking Landscapes1285701875 08stonecreekcamp master house stone detail Stone Creek Camp, Amazing Natural Homes and Breathtaking Landscapes1285701864 07stonecreekcamp master house lawn 666x1000 Stone Creek Camp, Amazing Natural Homes and Breathtaking Landscapes

1285702122 20stonecreekcamp master house back stair 1000x666 Stone Creek Camp, Amazing Natural Homes and Breathtaking Landscapes1285702094 18stonecreekcamp master house terrace 1000x666 Stone Creek Camp, Amazing Natural Homes and Breathtaking Landscapes

1285702203 balcony open 666x1000 Stone Creek Camp, Amazing Natural Homes and Breathtaking Landscapes1285702184 balcony opening 666x1000 Stone Creek Camp, Amazing Natural Homes and Breathtaking Landscapes

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1285702018 13stonecreekcamp master house kitchen 1000x666 Stone Creek Camp, Amazing Natural Homes and Breathtaking Landscapes

1285702002 12stonecreekcamp master house living room Stone Creek Camp, Amazing Natural Homes and Breathtaking Landscapes 1285702028 14stonecreekcamp master house kitchen 666x1000 Stone Creek Camp, Amazing Natural Homes and Breathtaking Landscapes

1285702103 19stonecreekcamp master house sleeping porch Stone Creek Camp, Amazing Natural Homes and Breathtaking Landscapes
1285701783 02stonecreekcamp gatehouse 1000x666 Stone Creek Camp, Amazing Natural Homes and Breathtaking Landscapes

stonecreekcamp entrance sign Stone Creek Camp, Amazing Natural Homes and Breathtaking Landscapes

1285703108 master house floor plan 1000x647 Stone Creek Camp, Amazing Natural Homes and Breathtaking Landscapes

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