Twitter Is Growing And So Is Its Office: Interior Design Ideas

Twitter Is Growing And So Is Its Office: Interior Design Ideas

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Twitter Is Growing And So Is Its Office

Posted: 07 Jun 2010 08:02 AM PDT

We have covered Twitter offices not once, but twice before on HD. But given the rate at which the company is adding on employees it was just a matter of time before they outgrew their new base at San Francisco. To combat the space crunch, Twitter has decided to add on more area by taking over the second floor of the building they currently occupy. Those already familiar with the interior images of the first floor which we posted before will have no trouble relating with the new space as the style seems to be consistent with the office below.

Here are some fresh snaps of the second floor.

twitter office entrance

twitter lounge pictures

twitter lounge

twitter office pictures

twitter office images

group workplace twitter

twitter lounge

office meeting room wal art

office curios

twitter office kitchen

twitter office pantry

fun ceiling twitter

So what do you guy’s think? Would it beat the Facebook’s office in looks?

If you are reading this through e-mail, please consider forwarding this mail to a few of your friends who are into interior design. Come on, you know who they are!

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