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Get in the Game! Beautiful 3D Promotional Street Art

Posted: 03 Jun 2010 09:42 AM PDT

The Viral Factory, an awarded digital agency from London, recently had to come up with a creative advertising campaign for the Activision Game BLUR. Their idea: a “collection” of 3D street art works, placed in major cities in Europe, including Berlin, London and Madrid. For this advertising campaign, world renowned artists were asked to “give a hand”. Unfortunately we do not have any statistics regarding how much this promotion action managed to sale so far, but one thing is certain- no one has to worry about the notoriety of the game. The fact that some people interact with the brand in a conscious way can do wonders. What do you think of this idea?

carcrash2 Get in the Game! Beautiful 3D Promotional Street Art

Beautiful 3D Promotional Street Art

london2 Get in the Game! Beautiful 3D Promotional Street Art

3d street art

berlin2 Get in the Game! Beautiful 3D Promotional Street Art

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Marecucina by ALNO, a Kitchen for the Sea Lovers

Posted: 03 Jun 2010 09:03 AM PDT

A while back, we had a post on Freshome where we presented a stunning Boat-themed kitchen, one of the memorable designs at Milan Furniture Fair. Today we have something similar to show you. From Alno comes another innovative kitchen also embracing the maritime style. Marecucina kitchen has a great nautical shape and features interesting wooden finishes. Gold faucets complete its luxurious and exclusive design. Not only the main work area is boat-themed, but also the furniture surrounding it. The cabinets, drawers and other accessories remind one of the wonders of living out in the sea.  Even the windows seems to be in tune. Nice! The only problem however could turn out to be its large size. But that comes in second, when considering the fascinating design idea behind it.- via 3rings

Marecucina by ALNO

amazing Kitchen for the Sea Lovers

cooking at the dock of the marecucina by alno large3 Marecucina by ALNO, a Kitchen for the Sea Lovers

cooking at the dock of the marecucina by alno large2 Marecucina by ALNO, a Kitchen for the Sea Lovers

Marecucina by ALNO

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SALC House in Brazil, a Fresh Design Approach

Posted: 03 Jun 2010 05:14 AM PDT

SALC House belongs to Frederico Zanelato Architects and is located near São Paulo, Brazil, in a beautiful natural environment. The first aspect that draws attention when looking at this home is its contemporary architecture. A giant supported rectangle houses most of the rooms in this unusual residence. Windows from floor to ceiling allow unobstructed views of the exterior. The giant red curtain bring a plus of freshness and vitality to the overall home design. The interior is modern, featuring contemporary decorating ideas and stylish furniture. Below you have some photos of the intriguing looking project and the house plans: upper level, lower floor and section.-via Arch Daily

SALC House in Brazil

Fresh Design Approach house

amazing residence

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1275055807 section 1000x538 SALC House in Brazil, a Fresh Design Approach

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