A Fabulous, Techy Swedish Home: Interior Design Ideas

A Fabulous, Techy Swedish Home: Interior Design Ideas

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A Fabulous, Techy Swedish Home

Posted: 16 Jun 2010 07:18 AM PDT

The Swedish are becoming commonly known for their heavenly ultra-modern design style. (Just picture IKEA with a personalized touch and slightly edgy twist- everyone’s doing it!) Shown below are those brilliant white walls, grounding hardwood floors, simple furniture and practical accessories that typically define the unfussy Swedish lifestyle. But in this tech savvy home, the electronics are cleverly hidden in plain sight amongst the perfectly white walls- which makes this living space certifiably Fabulous!

techy comic wall
The huge projection screen suspended above the door goes undetectable and is probably the last thing you'll notice upon your grand entrance. It allows for more focus on this modern art piece by Konstnär Göteborgs.

open view white color pops

techy bedroom

gilded lamp

colorful closet

cow print rug
The visual interest here lies in the colorful fabric, mixed modern organic forms and textural contrast of the accessories (techy or otherwise.)

creative headphone holder
Check out the headphone rest!

DVD shelving
And who would ever guess that this virtually invisible cabinet from IKEA was housing a serious DVD collection on the wall?

floral chandelier
A pop of color from this funky floral chandelier will draw your eye away from electronics like the Wall Mounted CD Player placed in dead center of this dining room.

gadget bathroom

pink dinosaurs

red branches

stark kitchen shelving

swirly kitchen faucet

techy nightstand gadgets

wall clippings
Look Mom! No window curtains! And Mom replies, “The better to see our fabulous wall-clippings my dear…”
Source: http://minhembio.com

If you are reading this through e-mail, please consider forwarding this mail to a few of your friends who are into interior design. Come on, you know who they are!

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