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Modern and Traditional Remarkably Combined: The White House in Sydney

Posted: 17 Nov 2010 07:19 AM PST

White House is a delightful architecture project from MCK, a company whose works we’ve become very fond of. Born from a series of alterations and additions to an old Federation building located in Sydney, this residence is currently a charming, all-equipped family crib. A combination of sandstone, shingles and bricks stood at the basis of the already existing building design.These elements were kept and improved which gives the home a lovely traditional appearance. Here is more from the official project description: “Our philosophy is that good architecture is created through good collaboration and successful compromise.  The challenges of designing a 'modern' extension to a significant Federation house in a conservation area were embraced with the result a smooth collaboration between architect, client and council. The addition wraps around the old which is legible both internally and externally.  Materials used on all surfaces move inside and out and all planes and spaces become articulated.” How do you find this uncommon mix of old and new?

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Interview: Interior Design Driven by Emotion for Fashion with Jamie Herzlinger

Posted: 17 Nov 2010 04:07 AM PST

Jamie Herzlinger  is a talented and experienced residential designer, founder of Jamie Herzlinger Interiors, a design firm “blending diverse elements, periods and cultures to create sophisticated classically modern environments”. With offices in New York City and Scottsdale Arizona, Jamie’s work is defined by diversity and each new client comes with a new valuable professional lesson. Jamie confessed that her passion for residential design was triggered by the excitement for fashion which she has since she was a child. Can fashion and interior design go hand in hand and contribute to a strong carrier? Read Jamie’s answers and find out!

  • Freshome: What determined your passion for design? Tell us about the moment when you decided this is the way to go.
  • Jamie Herzlinger: I grew up in a garment center family of four generations. And was surrounded with couture fashions from Schiaparelli, Lanvin, Balenciaga and all the greats from the 60's! I believe the moment I could think I wanted to design anything and as a child it was dolls clothing and their houses.

Master Bed room Interview: Interior Design Driven by Emotion for Fashion with Jamie Herzlinger

  • Freshome: Can you remember your first design project? Describe it a bit, whether it is a gizmo you worked at as a little kid or something that was sold at a large scale.
  • Jamie Herzlinger: My first Interior Design project was actually when I was a fashion designer on seventh avenue and one of my clients threw me the keys to their apartment and said "when you have the time"! Oh sure I thought-I started with their living room and I remember vividly, going to Clarence House to buy fabrics and receiving a letter from Clarence House reminding me that at that time the fabrics they did not want to see in my clothing collection!
  • Freshome: What field of design are you most interested in? Do your works have anything to do with it ? (We are asking this because not many designers do what they actually want)
  • Jamie Herzlinger: The field of design I am most interested in is residential.  All of my projects are in high end residential and I am very blessed as this is the field where all of my practice is concentrated.
  • Freshome: Chronologically describe what you are going through (feeling and thoughts) on your way to work.
  • Jamie Herzlinger: Chronologically describing my thoughts-well, when I am working in Manhattan my thoughts are always about what an amazing city this is! So many different cultures, businesses, people, all existing in tight quarters and making markets in their given fields! When I am in Arizona, I look at the mountains first thing every morning and think wow! How lucky we all are to live in a country with such diverse and wonderful landscapes.

Family room Interview: Interior Design Driven by Emotion for Fashion with Jamie Herzlinger

  • Freshome: What is your favourite book/magazine on design? How about your favourite site?
  • Jamie Herzlinger: My favorite book on design would have to be the A&D series.  They are an asset to any firm working in Modern.  My favorite site? Other than yours of course! I love reading Material Girls and All The Best, Lonny and the Peak of Chic.
  • Freshome: What inspires you?
  • Jamie Herzlinger: My inspiration truly comes from everywhere.  I am going to sound a bit strange at this answer but actually; yesterday I was working on draperies for a project that I am on and looked at the sky, (I am out West) and the cloud formation was such that it was perfect for draperies and that's where the dining room drapery idea from!
  • Freshome: What is the most frustrating aspect of your job as a designer? And the most rewarding one?
  • Jamie Herzlinger: The most frustrating aspect of what I do? Is that everyone thinks they can do it! The most rewarding one? When I get to photograph the finished project!

Living room angle Interview: Interior Design Driven by Emotion for Fashion with Jamie Herzlinger

  • Freshome: From your point of view, is design an art or a science?
  • Jamie Herzlinger: From my point of view, design is an art form.  It is pure emotion, desire and budget that drives it.  There is nothing scientific about it; other than we all know that our answers and ideas will change daily!
  • Freshome: Tell us something unusual that happened in your career.
  • Jamie Herzlinger: An unusual aspect that happened? That I was able to transfer my fashion design abilities into interior design.
  • Freshome: Let’s say you entered a contest. You have to come up with a design for the first house on the Moon built for extra-terrestrial living. How would your project look like?
  • Jamie Herzlinger: The house would look like the Guggenheim museum.

Kitchen Interview: Interior Design Driven by Emotion for Fashion with Jamie Herzlinger

  • Freshome: If design were a product, what would it be and how would you design it?
  • Jamie Herzlinger: I believe it is a product and that's why it is fabulous we have so many designers with so much talent!
  • Freshome: If you had no limits (money, resources), what would you create?
  • Jamie Herzlinger: If I had no limits? And the project was for me? I am very enamored at this moment in time of designing a stunning Palladian home for my two children and me.
  • Freshome: Share something you would like the world to know about you or your ideas.
  • Jamie Herzlinger: That I am always on the path to discovery, and that I am always open to change if it will bring more enlightenment.  And that life is a journey and it is the change that will help to make me iconic.

Master Bath Overall Interview: Interior Design Driven by Emotion for Fashion with Jamie Herzlinger

  • Freshome: What do you think of our site?
  • Jamie Herzlinger: I am most impressed by Freshome's thorough coverage of style genres.  What makes a site worth the time investment to go through it, is the level of design that it covers.  For my firm and design aesthetic, your coverage is where we are.
  • Freshome: What advice do you have for young designers or architects reading this interview?
  • Jamie Herzlinger: Work for a firm whose design sensibilities you relate to.  And take on every possible job they give you.  The more you learn in all areas, the more valuable you are.

Ready for more amazing design ideas? Check below !

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Innovative Outdoor Design: The Hopper Table and Seat from Extremis

Posted: 17 Nov 2010 02:58 AM PST

Here is a highly practical table design that could be of help when planning a picnic. The Hopper Table and Seat comes from Extremis, a Belgian company specialized in outdoor furniture. It is an original product, with a simple, yet very captivating look. Its uniqueness is given by the fact that the table and the two benches are united, making the product easy to move around. The innovative table was built using highly resistant wood which contrasts pleasantly with the white finish of the metal. We like the overall appearance of the design, as it makes us instantly think at a rich outdoor picnic. Do you find this type of table appealing, or do you prefer the more classic three-pieces product?

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How to Choose the Perfect Countertop for your Family

Posted: 17 Nov 2010 01:14 AM PST

Your kitchen is the heart of the home and how it performs and how it looks are the most important factors to most families.  The countertop material you choose will be based on your budget, your style preference and how durable it is for your lifestyle. When considering countertop materials do your research ahead of time. While some are more beautiful than others, some have to be maintained to keep their beauty and durability. Read on to see how to choose the perfect countertop for your family and lifestyle.

countertop granite black e1287076592865 How to Choose the Perfect Countertop for your Family

  • Assess your family and lifestyle: For busy families on the go the wear and tear of everyday life can take a beating on countertop surfaces. If your family only uses the kitchen occasionally higher end granite may be perfect.  While if you are constantly cooking, kids are using the countertop for science projects, and you don't want to keep up with maintenance a plastic laminate low cost countertop may be a better choice.
  • Durability & Price: When choosing a countertop you should consider the durability before the price.  The reason being, just because you can afford it, doesn't mean it will hold up in your home. Here are tips for durability:

countertop gray e1287075457526 How to Choose the Perfect Countertop for your Family

o   Plastic Laminate: Durable for moderate wear, comes in a multitude of colors, low end in price, can chip at the edges and shouldn't be cut directly on.

o   Solid Surface: Man made material with color throughout, scratches easily but can be buffed or polished out by professional. Mid range price and has a wide range of colors.

o   Butcher Block: Wood product, best used for islands away from water sources/sinks. Medium durability – can absorb stains because wood is porous. Color is chosen by different wood stains, moderate to high in price.

countertop butcherblock e1287075884923 How to Choose the Perfect Countertop for your Family

o   Tile: Durable if taken care of properly. Porcelain tiles can chip, crack or break if items are dropped on the counter.  Grouting can also chip and discolor. Price is based on how expensive the individual tiles are. Can get expensive with hand painted and imported tile.

o   Granite: Very durable because it is stone. Since it's porous will need to be sealed periodically. Granite is in the high price bracket.

o   Concrete: Very durable although it is possible to crack. It can be molded into shapes and stained different colors.  It too, should be sealed and is in the med range price bracket.

countertop brown e1287075968442 How to Choose the Perfect Countertop for your Family

  • Heat resistance: One of the considerations when choosing a countertop material is the heat resistance when you are cooking.  You shouldn't put hot pans directly on countertops.  Using a trivet between the pan and the countertop surface is a good idea.  Natural stone materials and concrete can endure heat better than plastic laminate that can leave a scorch mark. Ceramic tile countertops can take heat, but may crack due to rapid temperature changes.  To be certain, do not place heated pans on countertops, stainless steel is one of the few countertops that can endure heat.

countertop island granite e1287074945555 How to Choose the Perfect Countertop for your Family

Choosing a kitchen countertop should be considered thoroughly. Lifestyle, budget and durability are the main determining factors. Use these tips to help guide you and then check with local countertop suppliers and get their opinion on the different materials.  New materials and countertop varieties emerge on the market every day.  You never know, the countertop for your family is probably waiting for you to discover it!

Freshome reader's did you do research before you chose your countertop? Do you own a countertop that you absolutely love? We'd love to have your input.

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Amazing Residence with a Panoramic View of Beverly Hills

Posted: 16 Nov 2010 12:25 PM PST

After a ground up rebuild, the wonderful Carla Ridge Residence in Beverly Hills needs a new owner. This dream home is a symphony of white and grey: both the interior and the exterior are dominated by the two colours. When night falls, the house brights up but those few minutes of dusk show why this house is more than a home: it is a pavilion on top of the city, complete with a breathtaking panoramic view of the skyline. The house borrows colours from the passing of the days and night, like a chameleon. At dusk, the interiors catch a beautiful shade of blue.

Carla Ridge residence Amazing Residence with a Panoramic View of Beverly Hills

In the garden, concrete sets the trend: the infinity edge pool on one side and a terrace where you could enjoy a beverage in the frisk air. Wherever you stand in the house, the natural light follows you through glass walls or large windows. Chain maille served as an inspiration for the house`s facade: a beautifully crafted wall of chain maille creates an interesting design detail. Five bedrooms and six baths, generous and fabulous clothing storage, living spaces and kitchen – all of the rooms of the house have incredible details.

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Carla Ridge residence 6 Amazing Residence with a Panoramic View of Beverly Hills

Carla Ridge residence 7 Amazing Residence with a Panoramic View of Beverly Hills

Carla Ridge residence 8 Amazing Residence with a Panoramic View of Beverly Hills

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Carla Ridge residence 10 Amazing Residence with a Panoramic View of Beverly Hills

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Carla Ridge residence 12 Amazing Residence with a Panoramic View of Beverly Hills

Carla Ridge residence 13 Amazing Residence with a Panoramic View of Beverly Hills

Carla Ridge residence 14 Amazing Residence with a Panoramic View of Beverly Hills

Carla Ridge residence 15 Amazing Residence with a Panoramic View of Beverly Hills

Carla Ridge residence 16 Amazing Residence with a Panoramic View of Beverly Hills

Carla Ridge residence 17 Amazing Residence with a Panoramic View of Beverly Hills

Carla Ridge residence 18 Amazing Residence with a Panoramic View of Beverly Hills

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Rainbows, Imagination and Surprises: Pilar’s Story Toyshop in Barcelona

Posted: 16 Nov 2010 09:14 AM PST

Pilar's Story Toyshop designed by Elia Felices is definitely not an ordinary kids” store. Located in MatarĂ³ (Barcelona), the toy outlet covers and area of 170 square meters and resembles a miniature fantasy world. Here is the official description from the designer: “The facade consists of the frame of a mirror that marks off the interior and simultaneously invites us to cross it to enter the shop. Another circular form joined to the arch contains the backlit logotype of the establishment. The visitor passes through the frame to a fantasy world, as in the children's story of "Alice through the looking glass". Together, these frontal elements act as the threshold, marking the frontier between our world and the world of fantasy. The colours that personalize the project are the lime-green already present in the frame of the front and pink fuchsia. Both contribute happiness, vitality and energy to the project, in addition to combining to the perfection with the surrounding white of the whole space.  The above-mentioned colours give small touches of fantasy that are further complemented by the lighting.” The toyshop was designed not only to attract children, but people of all ages. We know we would certainly take a look inside if we were around.

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No More Tangled Wires : Autorewind Cable Reel

Posted: 16 Nov 2010 07:24 AM PST

We’ve gotten a lot of messages from Freshome asking from advice on how to deal with electric wires. In a small home, they are usually a major issue. This is why we try to find as many ideas as possible that help hiding the displeasing and inelegant power cables. To this end, today’s post features an innovative product that we recently received via e-mail from Designcord. The Autorewind Cable Reel has a total of four fixed sockets and 10 meters of wire. Once the green button on its surface is activated (by hand or by foot), the rewind function allows the wire to retract. Simple and practical. The device also comes equipped with child protection and overheating protection. Be sure to check out the two videos in order to fully understand how the product works.

wire device No More Tangled Wires : Autorewind Cable Reel

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