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Spectacular Sulfur Cavern Visitor’s Center in the Azores

Posted: 15 Nov 2010 06:22 AM PST

This unusual visitor’s center was designed by architect Nuno Ribeiro Lopes and is actually a make-over of the old existing building with the same purpose in Graciosa Island, Portugal. It is in this modern looking building that travelers get information about the sulfur cavern in the area. Built above the water and surrounded by natural craters, this glass construction is truly spectacular. The visitor’s center has a total of two levels. The bottom one seems buried in the ground and houses the bathrooms and an exhibition area, while the second floor accommodates a wonderful spot for observing the landscape. We like the fact that the construction looks modern, but not too flashy and that functionality was the key factor when rebuilding this center. What do you think? Does it look attractive enough from a tourist’s point of view?- via designboom

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vi03 Spectacular Sulfur Cavern Visitors Center in the Azores

vi06 Spectacular Sulfur Cavern Visitors Center in the Azores

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Versatile Lighting System for Any Space : AMEBA Lights

Posted: 15 Nov 2010 05:36 AM PST

An interior that needs light is exactly what the AMEBA lights were created for. Incredibly versatile, the five individual pieces of the AMEBA light can be combined into a large array of combinations. Created for the Barcelona based lighting manufacturer VIBIA, these lights bring form to the  pleasure of creating your own space. Interlocking features offer the possibility of playing with shapes and light as well as looking splendid.

Lighting Design 01 Versatile Lighting System for Any Space : AMEBA Lights

Spanish de signer Pete Sans designed the AMEBA pendant concept calculating the needs of any space. No matter how big or small, one of the 5 light fixtures or a combination of two or more can create a beautiful and contemporary ambient, the range of options going from one single 30 x 50 cm pendant to a composition of over 10 square meters. Interlocking for a better use of space and design, the 5 sections of the lights are wired to each other so no matter how many sections are used, only one is needed in the ceiling.

Lighting Design 02 Versatile Lighting System for Any Space : AMEBA LightsLighting Design 03 Versatile Lighting System for Any Space : AMEBA Lights

amebalightbypetesans Versatile Lighting System for Any Space : AMEBA Lights

ameba 02 Versatile Lighting System for Any Space : AMEBA Lights

ameba 03 Versatile Lighting System for Any Space : AMEBA Lights

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Road Printing Machine, an Ingenius Concept that Could Rapidly Catch On

Posted: 15 Nov 2010 03:43 AM PST

road printer Road Printing Machine, an Ingenius Concept that Could Rapidly Catch On
We are not familiar with road constructing policies throughout the world, but in our country, this domain has some serious faults. We were quite surprised when seeing this crazy machine. Being able to build 400 yards of road in one day (that is 365.76 meters), the unusual contraption could easily compete with a large team of workers doing the same thing. Which is why we think the Road Printing Machine could have giant implications in the construction business. The invention can build up roads from cobblestone. Apparently, the mechanism couldn’t be easier: as long as the workers keep providing bricks for the machine, aesthetic roads are being produced and carefully laid out on the desired surface. In case you know more details on this mechanism, please leave a comment with more information. Be sure to check out the video and be stunned!

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Modern Family Home Nestled Deep in the Forest: Minnetonka Residence

Posted: 15 Nov 2010 01:49 AM PST

There is an undefinable charm that characterize secluded homes. In this particular case it seems that the Minnetonka Residence from ALTUS Architecture + Design reigns over its forest landscape while taking advantage of the best it has to offer. Especially developed for a European family, this home features open spaces for playing and living, together with an outdoor entertainment area. The building is L-shaped, strongly contrasts with its surroundings and has a striking contemporary appearance. Here is some interesting information on the materials used to build the residence and the costs implied: “The non-maintenance exterior is composed of folded planes of black concrete block as a sculptural base, which is expressed inside the house. The upper level contains the bedroom wing and a play space over the garage. These two forms rest on the black base as ochre and gray fiber cement panels. The aluminum windows create expansive views on the main level and draw in natural light through clerestory glass on the upper level. Dark Slate and Red Birch floors and custom Birch cabinetry extends the materials palette to the interior. The quality of space and materiality was accomplished for a modest $135 per square foot, including landscape.” What is your opinion on this home? Do you think the architecture of this project was well adapted to its environment?

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Screen shot 2010 10 15 at 9 010 Modern Family Home Nestled Deep in the Forest: Minnetonka Residence Screen shot 2010 10 15 at 9 017 Modern Family Home Nestled Deep in the Forest: Minnetonka Residence

Screen shot 2010 10 15 at 9 020 Modern Family Home Nestled Deep in the Forest: Minnetonka Residence

Screen shot 2010 10 15 at 9 022 Modern Family Home Nestled Deep in the Forest: Minnetonka Residence

Screen shot 2010 10 15 at 9 012 Modern Family Home Nestled Deep in the Forest: Minnetonka Residence

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Screen shot 2010 10 15 at 9 018 Modern Family Home Nestled Deep in the Forest: Minnetonka Residence

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10 Easy Thanksgiving Tips for Entertaining

Posted: 15 Nov 2010 12:06 AM PST

The Thanksgiving holiday is the perfect time to entertain with family and friends. The idea of gathering together at your home is a wonderful way to give thanks and appreciation to your loved ones. Even though the idea of planning, buying, cooking, serving and entertaining may seem a little daunting, there are always easy ways to simplify entertaining. Read on for 10 easy ideas to help you entertain in style and actually enjoy the holiday too!

TK entertain brown e1289675838590 10 Easy Thanksgiving Tips for Entertaining
1.) Accept help from others: While this seems like a simple concept, the misconception that the host/hostess has to do everything is not true. If you are hosting the big meal at your home, ask for help in an area that you feel weak in. If you are good at cooking, but not planning the details of the meal, ask for help from a neighbor or friend.

2.) Search now for deals: To save money and avoid the rush, start looking for holiday sales on holiday foods. Most stores will have displays already up and if you buy a few key ingredients each time you visit the store, you run less risk of the store running out of key ingredients, like cranberries!

3.) Plan your holiday table: The night before Thanksgiving is too late to plan what your table will look like. If you prefer a formal table, assure table linen, napkins, and dinnerware is clean and polished. For a casual table, assure you have the appropriate number of settings for everyone.

TK entertain table orange 10 Easy Thanksgiving Tips for Entertaining

4.) Invite guests early: Start making your guest lists now and inviting them. This will help you plan a menu and will give time for your guests to check their calendars. Often time's people wait until the last minute for Thanksgiving invites, and then are disappointed when guests have made prior plans.

5.) Ask guests to bring a dish: If the thought of preparing the Thanksgiving meal is a little menacing, why not ask your guests to bring a dish? Plan how many people you will have and ask each member to bring a certain item. Keep a running list so you don't have 20 turkeys and no side dishes!

TK entertain food 10 Easy Thanksgiving Tips for Entertaining6.) Ask guests about diet regimens: To ensure everyone can partake in the delicious meal, ask for any diet and/or restrictions they have in advance, so you can plan the menu accordingly. If you aren't sure what to serve those that have a restriction ask them for suggestions as to what they'd prefer to eat.

7.) Plan for children: Unless your event is restricted to adults, children will need to have activities to do while the parents are socializing. Plan an area with toys, educational items and a television if possible. This will keep everyone happy and help the day be more enjoyable for all those involved.

8.) Plan seating arrangement: If you plan on having a formal meal with assigned place settings, plan this early to avoid a last minute stressful chore. Even if your meal will not have assigned seating, ensure you have enough seats and you consider where children and adults will be seated.

TK entertain green e1289675971419 10 Easy Thanksgiving Tips for Entertaining9.) Cook early: Start preparing desserts and side dishes now and freeze the items until a few days before Thanksgiving. This will help you space out the holiday cooking and keep you from getting tired out.

10.) Enjoy yourself amongst your guests: This season is for enjoying your loved ones. If the thought of cooking is too much, consider hiring a caterer or buying food out and heating it up. Grocery stores and restaurants often have Thanksgiving meals you can buy in advance, to make you look like you did all the work!

These 10 tips will help you enjoy the holiday and enjoy the preparation. After all the planning, cooking, and entertaining is what makes the holidays special. Start planning now and reap the benefits from seeing your guests have big smiles on their faces when you offer your hospitality. Holiday entertaining can be better than you imagined.

Freshome reader's how do you prepare for the holidays? Have any tips for us? We always enjoy hearing your comments.

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Pillow Remote Control, Almost Impossible to Lose

Posted: 14 Nov 2010 08:30 AM PST

Here is a fun and functional design that acts both as a pillow and a remote control. Intrigued? With a built-in 6-in-1 universal remote control, this pillow can help you change TV channels and get a good night’s sleep, provided it is not on.  Its design couldn’t be simpler: there is an “activate” button in the bottom right corner which triggers the device and from then on, the user can simply hold the pillow and zap. The pillow comes with a practical power-saving auto shutoff feature which shuts off all remote functions after 60 seconds of not being used. Sure, the best thing about this unusual gizmo is that it can not be lost. In the event this actually does happen, the owner can always turn to the more classical remote control. The pillow can be purchased online here, for the price of $30.- via The Awesomer

111210 pillow remote control 1 Pillow Remote Control, Almost Impossible to Lose

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